Matrix Functions Library for Mathematica
November 19, 2007 Posted by Emre S. Tasci
Mathematica Library for additional Matrix Functions
Functions Library Intended To Be Used In Matrix Procedures 11/2007 Emre S. Tasci S&C / MSE / 3mE / TUDelft Functions List (EF: Required External Functions)
- List MDiffElementEST[matrixIN_,varno_]
Returns the list of the different elements in the (varno). row of the specified matrixIN
EF – NONE - List MPolluteEST[mx_,row_,ratio_]
Assigns a 0 or 1 (with equal probabilities) to the randomly selected "ratio" of the elements of the matrix "mx" and returns the new "polluted" matrix.If "mx" is a List, then "row" is not relevant.
*EF – NONE; - List MSelectEST[MatrixIN_,varno1_,varval1_, varno2_]
Returns the list of "varno2" variables from the "MatrixIN" where "varno1" values equal to "varval1"
EF – NONE / AppendRows from LinearAlgebra`MatrixManipulation` (Optional) - List MSwapEST[MatrixIN_,row1_,row2_]
Swaps the rows "row1" and "row2" in matrix "MatrixIN"
Assumed form of the MatrixIN: ;
(i.e., values for the same variable are stored in ROWS, NOT in COLUMNS!)
November 19, 2007 at 4:34 pm
[…] You will be needing the two libraries and you can download them from the related entries for Matrix and DataMining […]