İki giriş önce (yine) Culture’ı anlatırken, Civilization’a referans vermiştim ya, sonrasında bu haberi bulup, “aa, ne garip bir tesadüf!” deyip kendime pay çıkartmıştım ama sonrasında zaten vaktiyle haberi okuduğumu hatırladım. Yani, Mazhar-Fuat-Özkan gibi söylemek gerekirse, “bizlerin (/bilinçaltımızın, egomuzun) bizlere (/id’imize) oyunu bu / deli deyip atmak işin kolay yolu..” Ne? Şarkının sözleri böyle değil miydi?…
Iain Banks ‘civilised’ by Sid
Monday 21-Aug-2006 4:25 PM
Top Scottish novelist admits he’s addicted to Civ and it’s made him miss his next book deadline
Best-selling novelist Iain Banks (or Iain M. if you’re a big fan of The Culture) has admitted that Sid Meier’s to blame for the non-appearance of his new novel this Christmas.
Interviewed by the Independent, Banks admitted the book wouldn’t make it onto shelves this year and said, “It’s all because I became a serial addict of the computer game ‘Civilisation’ [sic].”
Banks, who’s a long-standing games addict (we know from having met him at signings once or twice) featured gaming as part of his novel Complicity, where one of the lead characters was hooked on a game which sounded like a cross between Civilization and Populous.
So Banks definitely has form in this area, but it seems radical action was required to make sure that his Civ addiction was cured. As Banks told the Indy,
“I played it for three months and then realised I hadn’t done any work. In the end, I had to delete all the saved files and smash the CD. It is very unprofessional of me. I had to ask for an extension for the first time, which made me feel just like I was a student again.”
As long-standing fans of both Civ and especially Banks’ work, he certainly has our sympathies, but it’s about time we saw a new Culture novel, so for god’s sake don’t anyone tell him about CivCity Rome.
Bu konu hakkındaki bir forumda, hakikaten zihin açıcı yorumlar yapmışlar, alıntılamadan geçemeyeceğim:
* We’re going to send him a copy of Warlords, a copy of Civ IV and a dvd with all the Civ Anon (http://www.civanon.org/) videos.
* Next week’s headline: Sid Meier’s company rebrands as Firaxis of Evil.
* I guess I’ll just have to play FreeCiv until the next Iain M. Banks book comes out…
veeee beni kopartan yorum:
So there we have it, it’s all Firaxis’ fault that we won’t be getting a new Banks book this Xmas, and when we finally do get it, it will be heavily focused on granaries, the cure for cancer and winning the space race. F*** you Sid Meier.
Hamiş: Hayatınızdan Civilization geçmişse, Civanon sitesine mutlaka bakınız.