Tehanu‘dan sonra, Tales from Earthsea‘den, UKLG’nin tavsiyesi üzerine Dragonfly‘ı okuduktan sonra, Other Wind‘e başladım. Pek fena değil ama ne ilk kitapların hareketliliğini, ne de Tehanu‘nun dinginliğini verebiliyor. Şimdiye kadar kitapta en çok hoşuma giden, teyzenin hayvanlar üzerine yaptığı şu tasvir oldu:
![]() Alder hesitated. He said, “I know of them only from the Deed that tells of how… how the mage came to the Court of the Terrenon in Osskil. And the otak tried to warn him of a gebbeth that walked with him. And he won free of the gebbeth, but the little animal was caught and slain.” Sparrowhawk walked on without speaking for twenty paces or so. “Yes,” he said. “So. Well, my otak also saved my life when I was caught by my own folly on the wrong side of the wall, my body lying here and my soul astray there. The otak came to me and washed me, the way they wash themselves and their young, the way cats do, with a dry tongue, patiently, touching me and bringing me back with its touch, bringing me back into my body. And the gift the animal gave me was not only life but a knowledge as great as I ever learned on Roke… But you see, I forget all my learning. “A knowledge, I say, but it’s rather a mystery. What’s the difference between us and the animals? Speech? All the animals have some way of speaking, saying come and beware and much else; but they can’t tell stories, and they can’t tell lies. While we can…” “But the dragons speak: they speak the True Speech, the language of the Making, in which there are no lies, in which to tell the story is to make it be! Yet we call the dragons animals..” “So maybe the difference isn’t language. Maybe it’s this: animals do neither good nor evil. They do as they must do. We may call what they do harmful or useful, but good and evil belong to us, who chose to choose what we do. The dragons are dangerous, yes. They can do harm, yes. But they’re not evil. They’re beneath our morality, if you will, like any animal. Or beyond it. They have nothing to do with it.” “We must choose and choose again. The animals need only be and do. We’re yoked, and they’re free. So to be with an animal is to know a little freedom…” UKLG, The Other Wind |
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