Hex, Bugs and More Physics | Emre S. Tasci

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Matrix Functions Library for Mathematica

November 19, 2007 Posted by Emre S. Tasci

Mathematica Library for additional Matrix Functions

Functions Library Intended To Be Used In Matrix Procedures 11/2007 Emre S. Tasci S&C / MSE / 3mE / TUDelft Functions List (EF: Required External Functions)

  • List MDiffElementEST[matrixIN_,varno_]
    Returns the list of the different elements in the (varno). row of the specified matrixIN 
    EF – NONE
  • List MPolluteEST[mx_,row_,ratio_]
    Assigns a 0 or 1 (with equal probabilities) to the randomly selected "ratio" of the elements of the matrix "mx" and returns the new "polluted" matrix.If "mx" is a List, then "row" is not relevant.
    *EF – NONE;
  • List MSelectEST[MatrixIN_,varno1_,varval1_, varno2_] 
    Returns the list of "varno2" variables from the "MatrixIN" where "varno1" values equal to "varval1" 
    EF – NONE / AppendRows from LinearAlgebra`MatrixManipulation` (Optional)
  • List MSwapEST[MatrixIN_,row1_,row2_] 
    Swaps the rows "row1" and "row2" in matrix "MatrixIN" 
    EF – NONE


Assumed form of the MatrixIN: ; Formula: $$ a_1� �  a_2 ...�  a_n$$ Formula: $$ b_1� �  b_2 ...�  b_n$$ Formula: $$ c_1� �  c_2 ...�  c_n$$ (i.e., values for the same variable are stored in ROWS, NOT in COLUMNS!)

Using LaTeX within WordPress

November 18, 2007 Posted by Emre S. Tasci

Renderu – LaTeX parsing WordPress plugin

Adapting from Titus Barik’s “LaTeX Equations and Graphics in PHP” titled article from the Linux Journal magazine, I was able to write a plugin for WordPress that enables me to include LaTeX-type

 $\sum\limits_{j = 1}^m {p\left( X \right)H\left( {Y|X = x_i } \right)} $

in the form of a PNG file format as :

Formula: </p>  <p>$\sum\limits_{j = 1}^m {p\left( X \right)H\left( {Y|X = x_i } \right)} $</p>  <p>

(Although there is problem with multi lined entries such as matrix)

Barik’s article explained the method for Linux, but it can easily be run on a Windows environment (as it is been running on my computer at this very moment). Just install a LaTeX distribution like MikTeX and an image manipulation package like ImageMagick and it’s ready!